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Document Title: AgLINK Newsletter

AgLINK Newsletter

Added: 2 years ago


<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>AgLINK is the official newsletter of the Kenya Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services. In pursuant of the organization&rsquo;s<br>Strategic Plan and in cognizance of the objective of mass communication within and outside the KeFAAS mandate, the<br>editorial board of AgLINK establishes the following editorial policy:<br>GENERAL<br>AgLINK shall ONLY carry content that satisfies the following tenets:<br>Be exclusively devoted to agriculture and related sciences and practices thereon.<br>1. Observe, adhere and preserve the editorial principles of objectivity, fairness and correctness.<br>2. Be apolitical.<br>3. Publish regularly at intervals of 3 months; 4 issues a year<br>4. Maintain openness and freedom from the influences of particular member or section of membership.<br>5. Pursue unbridled integrity in the choice of articles and in the cost of publishing the newsletter.</p>


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