Document Detail

Document Title: How to control rhinoceros beetles in a coconut farm

How to control rhinoceros beetles in a coconut farm

Added: 2 years ago


<p>This is another farmer training videos aimed at instructing coconut farmers in controlling rhinoceros beetles in a coconut farm. The video was produced under the auspices of <span class="yt-core-attributed-string--link-inherit-color"><a class="yt-core-attributed-string__link yt-core-attributed-string__link--display-type yt-core-attributed-string__link--call-to-action-color" tabindex="0" href="" target="" rel="nofollow">#GFAASS</a></span> by Michael Konadu (Senior Agric Officer - MoFA) and funded under the <span class="yt-core-attributed-string--link-inherit-color"><a class="yt-core-attributed-string__link yt-core-attributed-string__link--display-type yt-core-attributed-string__link--call-to-action-color" tabindex="0" href="" target="" rel="nofollow">#CADPXP4</a></span> programme</p>


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