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Document Title: What are the specificities of Agricultural Innovation Systems in the South- an approach based on innovation support services

What are the specificities of Agricultural Innovation Systems in the South- an approach based on innovation support services

Added: 1 year ago


<p>The Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) approach is playing an increasingly important role in the management of Research and Development projects in the South. However, there is still considerable scope for progress in operationalising it in Southern countries, particularly to assist policy decisions on improving the environment for innovation. We propose to take stock of the characteristics of AIS in Southern countries on the basis of empirical work that we have carried out in the framework of the<br>LEAP-AGRI SERVInnov project from 2018 to 2022 in light with the emerging concept of innovation support services. Our results enlighten the specifities of AIS in the South that enriching the literature and drawing implications for innovation support policies.&nbsp;</p>


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