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Document Title: Rabbitry- A Promising Livelihood and Climate Smart Agriculture Venture

Rabbitry- A Promising Livelihood and Climate Smart Agriculture Venture

Added: 1 year ago


<p>The RabFarm is a family venture of Dr. Sam Luzobe-PhD (a Veterinary Doctor and Human Resource Expert) and Ms. Beatrice<br>Luzobe (an animal scientist and agricultural extension worker). Both have built their expertise over the years in rabbitry, through rabbit farming and training of other farmers. They have been keeping rabbits since 1990, having started it as a small initiative to provide mainly meat for the family. In 2000's, they ventured into<br>commercial rabbit farming, training and mobilization of other farmers to take up the enterprise from an informed point of<br>view. According to Beatrice, they started it as serious enterprise of meat production in 2010. The practice has been adopted by a<br>number of people in the Uganda and they have trained over 250 rabbit farmers at their demonstration farm in Kisaasi, who are now rearing rabbits focused on both food and income.&nbsp;</p>


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