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Document Title: Determinants of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Adoption among Smallholder Food Crop Farmers in the Techiman Municipality, Ghana

Determinants of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Adoption among Smallholder Food Crop Farmers in the Techiman Municipality, Ghana

Added: 2 years ago


Climate change is already influencing crop production and distribution, and exacerbating the risks associated with farming. Smallholder farmers, especially from developing countries, have been identified as the most vulnerable to climate hazards due to prevalence of low adaptive measures. Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) has therefore been presented as an alternative form of agriculture that can help to improve food security and reduce poverty, especially in developing countries. In Ghana, efforts are being made to build farmers adaptive capacity in various agro-ecological zones to enable them to effectively adapt to climate change through various CSA practices.



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Good material for CSA

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