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Document Title: Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Case Study

Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Case Study

Added: 1 year ago


<p>Agriculture remains a major livelihood in many African countries and the majority of farmers farm on subsistence basis with relatively low income (Quartey, Udry, Al-hassan, &amp; Seshie, 2012). An estimated 2.5 billion of the 3 billion rural inhabitants are involved in agriculture, 1.5 billion of them living in smallholder<br>households and 800 million of them working in smallholder households (Begna &amp; Paul, 2010). Furthermore, in most parts of the world, poverty remains mainly a rural and agricultural phenomenon and so most of the poor subsist in rural sectors for livelihoods. Same is the case of Ghana, where most of the poor are found in rural areas and agriculture forms their main livelihood (Quartey et al., 2012).&nbsp;</p>


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