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Document Title: My Journey with Cocoyam

My Journey with Cocoyam

Added: 1 year ago


<p>As a growing child in the southeastern Nigeria, I ate many delicacies prepared from cocoyam. Unfortunately, those delicacies<br>are no longer remembered, talk less of eating them. So I began to wonder what the problem was. Is it that cocoyam is no longer available to prepare them or that this generation does not know how to prepare them? Interestingly, in those days, many opted for cocoyam as a light meal&mdash;it was preferred to meals of cassava and yam. In the face of increased cases of diabetes and much emphasis on light starchy food, one may wonder why the consumption of the supposed lightly-starched food is decreasing instead of increasing. I also wanted to know if climate change has anything to do with this. Hence, my journey began.</p>


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